Small Town Veteran

Baby boomer, nerdy kid, Viet Nam veteran, engineer, daddy, grandpa.
Politically incorrect.  Proud anti-idiotarian

"For those who have fought for it, freedom has a taste the protected will never know."

"May no soldier
go unloved."

Delenda Est!

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« We eavesdropped on the bad guys! Oh, my! -- Part 3


Why I gave up journalism to join the Marines.

When people ask why I recently left The Wall Street Journal to join the Marines, I usually have a short answer. It felt like the time had come to stop reporting events and get more directly involved. But that's not the whole answer, and how I got to this point wasn't a straight line.

It's a cliché that you appreciate your own country more when you live abroad, but it happens to be true. ...

[Read it all.]

Hat tip: George Mellinger

Posted by Bill Faith on December 18, 2005 at 01:16 AM | Permalink


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