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2005.11.21 |
Let's let Grey Eagle know she has friends (Updated and bumped)
Please take a moment to stop by Grey Eagle's site and leave some words of encouragement. She needs them right now. (Hat tip: Anna) *** JRob held his nose and waded through some of the earlier comments on Grey Eagle's site. Take a look at his post here for a taste of what she's had to deal with. If you haven't stopped by Grey Eagle's place to leave an appreciative comment yet please do it now. *** I'm glad to see Michelle Malkin and Blackfive helping spread the word. It's time for a blogswarm, people. Don't forget to do your part. *** Linking to Mudville's latest Open Post. |
Posted by Bill Faith on November 21, 2005 at 04:49 PM | Permalink TrackBack Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Let's let Grey Eagle know she has friends (Updated and bumped):
» It Seems You no longer need to Lurk at the Airpor from J Rob's House of Opinions Tracked on Nov 20, 2005 2:46:50 PM
Comments Bill, thank you for trackbacking my post! I just believe that we have to let our soldiers know how much we appreciate them and I am thankful for the blogging friends who will always come to the rescue! Thank you so much! Anna Posted by: Anna | Nov 20, 2005 8:26:55 AM Thank you for your kind words on my blog. I think it an honor to be able to help in any way possiblePosted by: J Rob | Nov 20, 2005 3:48:52 PM The comments to this entry are closed. |