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Tom DeLay, Pit Bull

From Power Line on October 15th:

DeLay Fights Back

Tom DeLay now has a section of his web site devoted to Ronnie Earle's partisan attack on him. With sections like "Earle Asks for a Do-Over," "Ronnie Earle's Previous Misuse of His Office," and so on, it effectively presents the facts surrounding Earle and his vendetta against DeLay. And, of course, there is a box where you can make a donation.

[Read the rest here.]

Texan Russ Vaughn knew Delay wasn't about to just slink off with his tail between his legs and sent me this a week ago. I don't know how I spaced out and forgot to post it till now:

Dogged DeLay

It appears to me this Ronnie feller,
Thinks he might be a new Old Yeller,
Fearless defender of all that's good,
Chasing skunks out of our neighborhood.
But some observers of this hound,
Believe he should be in the pound.
That telltale frothing round his muzzle,
To those who know him is no puzzle.

This dog's deranged and quick to bite,
But he seldom ever wins a fight;
A surly cur who snaps and growls,
Whose bite's less painful than his howls.
Beware you masters he drools to please,
This mangy mutt will give you fleas.
Jump in his pen where eggs are hatching,
And you Washington Dems will all be scratching.

But for the moment he's a happy hound,
With all the publicity that he's found.
Why, since the 60's it hasn't been this groovy,
Just like Old Yeller he's got his own movie.
But fame is fleeting, and will be more so still,
For a Fido who feasts on ripe road kill.
And while it's true every dog has his day,
My money's on the pit bull, Tom DeLay.

I should also have linked to this Washington Times piece that  was published the next day: Wrath of Earle feared in Texas. Read it for some interesting history on the illustrious Mr. Earle. If Travis County Texas actually had an honest District Attorney, Earle'd be behind bars by now.

Dafydd ab Hugh has a great post here on" the Persecution and Assassination of Tom DeLay, As Performed By the Inmates of the Travesty County District Attorney's Office, Under the Direction of the Marquis de Earle." Educate yourself; read it.

Back in the mid-70s when I was a student at UT Austin, every good Texan understood that G-d just rented the Hill Country from LBJ and that Ronnie Earl was just a harmless pup yippin' along after the big dogs.  Ronnie's all growed up now, but he ain't learned a thing in all these years except how to fight dirty.

Posted by Bill Faith on October 16, 2005 at 01:49 AM in Poetry, Russ_Vaughn | Permalink


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