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From Russ Vaughn: The Battered-Left Syndrome

The Battered-Left Syndrome

Much like a victim of spousal abuse,
The Left always seems to have an excuse
For barbarous behavior by terrorist thugs,
Their violence dismissed with self-blaming shrugs.
Oh, they just can’t help it, they just get so mad,
When we get them upset by behaving so bad.
It’s not really their fault that we suffer their blows;
We provoked them ourselves as everyone knows.

[Read the rest here, and while you're there don't forget to click the link to the excellent NRO essay that inspired the poem.]

Posted by Bill Faith on July 24, 2005 at 05:45 PM in Poetry, Russ_Vaughn | Permalink


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Thanks, Bill. I liked the poem, but I just couldn't waste my time on that rubbish! I read some, but it is the same over and over and over again. Heard it before, and didn't like either time! hehehe. Hope to see ya over at our site! Just copy/paste something? It's totally up to you. Have a great day, Bill.

Posted by: Rosemary | Jul 26, 2005 1:57:05 PM

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