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2004.12.16 |
A Marine's Christmas
I've seen at least 5 different versions of this poem over the past few years. The above version comes from this page on the IWVPA site. It appears to be a faithful reproduction of this Leatherneck Magazine version, which Snopes is convinced is the original version. When I emailed a link to Blackfive, he wrote back and told me he's convinced the poem was originally written by an Army Ranger and stolen by the Marines. As I told him, when a Ranger and a Marine disagree this ol' boy stands way back and does not get involved. Merry Christmas to all of our Warriors. May God bless and keep you. Hat tip: Mary Ann |
Posted by Bill Faith on December 16, 2004 at 03:44 AM in Christmas, Poetry, The American Warrior | Permalink TrackBack Listed below are links to weblogs that reference A Marine's Christmas:
» Poetics from Grim's Hall Tracked on Dec 18, 2004 8:01:38 PM
Comments YES. I authored Merry Christmas My Friend back in 1987. And YES, I'm a Marine. And I'm just sick and tired of Air Force Lt Cols, Green berets and any Ranger who wants to blow smoke and even try to claim authorship. Ask Lt. Col Bruce Lovely (FORMER USAF) what happens when you lie about such things. You pay dearly for moral screw ups. Especially when your questioning the integrity of a Marine Scout Sniper Instructor who also holds a license to practice law. So come on Ranger. Show me YOUR publication & copyright and I'll show you mine. Posted by: james schmidt | Jul 10, 2008 10:53:39 PM The comments to this entry are closed. |