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Their Veterans’ Day

Their Veterans’ Day

Some said let you apologize
But that wouldn’t do it in our eyes.
A man astride of each position
Could we believe your true contrition?
And on deaf ears your words would fall
To those whose names are on that Wall
The vindication they now accept
In settling up this long-held debt,
Is that for them we gave our best
And denied you, John, your lifelong quest.
We fought for them, fought for our own,
To make you reap what you had sown.
Listen carefully John to what we say,
November 2d was their Veterans’ Day.

Russ Vaughn
2d Bn, 327th Parachute Infantry Regiment
101st Airborne Division
Vietnam 65-66

Posted 2004.11.03. I'll keep it at the top of my blog for a while.

Posted by Bill Faith on November 5, 2004 at 11:02 PM in G W Bush, Jean Fraud Kerry, Poetry, Russ_Vaughn | Permalink


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