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Media Bias? No, By Us

I can't let Dan Rather's retirement announcement pass without more celebrating than I've done so far. I originally posted this on "In Bill's World" on August 20 but I'm sure you'll enjoy it again.

Media Bias? No, By Us

For years we have said as we’ve watched and read,
That the Media is liberally left leaning.
When news only we sought, what we usually got
Was some coiffed commentator’s “true” meaning.
Just seeking the news, we instead got their views
And too much Peter Jennings-like preening.

We are fair they declare and your charge is unfair
Everything we put out is uncanted.
Then they snidely deride any charges they’ve lied
Though it’s clear where their left feet are planted.
They deny overmuch liberal leanings and such
While it’s plain they’re all Rather slanted.

What they call reporting we see as distorting
So obvious that it does appall us.
But they think we’re all sheep, unthinking, asleep,
And care less if their bias does gall us.
As Sunday eves dreadful they feed us a headfull
Of that oh so impartial Mike Wallace.

And as for the press, what a self-righteous mess
Intoning our right to know all.
While the grand New York Times, dismisses and slimes
Those, who for the truth, loudly call.
And the Washington Post sets it columnist host
To impugning these men, one and all.

So election year’s here and it’s crystalline clear
That John Kerry’s the media’s hero.
They praise him in war and completely ignore
Those brave men who rate him a zero.
With utter disdain for truth in the main
This Media’s fiddling like Nero.

At some future date, when it’s far, far too late,
To ever atone for their bias,
Finally faced with their fate that they carry no weight,
All those talking heads will be so pious,
As without any shame they will loudly declaim
How on earth did that phony get by us?

Russ Vaughn
2d Bn, 327th Parachute Infantry Regiment
101st Airborne Division
Vietnam 65-66

Did you catch "Are we really going to let Dan Rather retire with full honors?" and "The Road Less Graveled" earlier?

There's a complete index of my Russ Vaughn collection here.

Posted by Bill Faith on November 28, 2004 at 07:20 AM in Poetry, Russ_Vaughn | Permalink


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