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A request from Russ Vaughn

Originally posted at In Bill's World on 2004.09.23

A request from Russ Vaughn

Infidel Cowboy just posted a letter he received from Russ Vaughn, noted author and poet. I'm usually on Russ's mailing list but if he's sending me a copy I don't have it yet. The sooner it's posted the sooner you can start helping Russ, so here it is:

Bill O'Reilly just told James Carville, tonight, that if John Kerry would just apologize to Vietnam vets all this Swift Boat stuff would just go away.

That statement clearly demonstrates the O'Reilly never has had a grasp of the problem that Vietnam veterans have with John Kerry and still does not. O'Reilly is in over his head on this issue but refuses to admit it. He claims he's been fair to all sides but I was watching the night he dismissed the Swiftees as smear artists.

We need to let O'Reilly know what value we place on a meaningless apology from a serial liar. Please contact Bill at: [email protected] and let him know what veterans think about his opinion that our thirty years of anger can be assuaged with more lying words from a turncoat traitor. Go Troops!

Airborne and God bless America.

Russ Vaughn 2d Bn, 327th Parachute Infantry Regiment 101st Airborne Division Vietnam 65-66

We're with you all the way on this, Russ.

Posted by Bill Faith on September 23, 2004 at 05:15 AM in Russ_Vaughn | Permalink


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This is just one of many issues he talks about but really does not understand. As a Nam vet with three honest purple hearts that left scars on the left front of my body I will never forgive or forget JFK. I wil be giving Bill a little piece of my mind shortly. Not that much left, but I had to watch a lot of good men die there and I will *NEVER*forget.

Posted by: Rod Stanton | Feb 27, 2005 8:03:56 PM

This is just one of many issues he talks about but really does not understand. As a Nam vet with three honest purple hearts that left scars on the left front of my body I will never forgive or forget JFK.

Posted by: Rod Stanton | Feb 27, 2005 8:14:13 PM

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